Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Glory of Watching Kyu Ranks Improve

While I don't write regularly, I still train at least semi-regularly. Right now I'm training two days a week, plus weekends have been very full in the past month with seminars and tournaments.

Qualifying Tournament

Last weekend we had a qualifying tournament for kyu ranks/colored belts to secure their spot in our Provincial tournament coming up at the end of April, and we had 8 or so of the students competing. I believe everyone got at least one medal, and most qualified for the next tournament in each event they went into, as well.

It's sure fun to watch students develop throughout the years, and tournament time seems to be concentrated into a mode of "super fun". Nowhere (except perhaps during testing) will a student be more focused or do a more powerful kata than when competing in tournament, and of course, nowhere else will they get the chance to pit their fighting skills against their peers in quite the same way. Sure, we practice kumite in class, but without the control of the whole 'match' situation and the adrenaline that comes along with the event, it's not the same.

One of our teenaged brown belts recently turned 15 and because there weren't enough competitors in the 14-17 age bracket, got tossed into the adult category. Wow, did he ever shine! Being a tall guy all his life, until he turned 14 he had been pitted up against people so much shorter than him that he could never really get "in" to the whole fighting process. This time he was against people BIGGER than him... people who could take a few whacks - and he dished a few out, that's for sure! I know he took a few good smacks as well, but all in all he came out of his two fights very happy with how it went. A couple of us black belts said some nice things to him about it all and he blushed and got all shy about it - it was obvious how much fun he had and how happy he was with his own performance, but also obvious that he's a very shy and quiet guy.

Preparing For Testing

As usual in a kyu-rank club, there's a handful of people who are gearing up to test for their next rank over the next month or two.

We've got a "young adult" student (over 18, under 22) with a bit of a learning disability who joined in September and has VERY recently figured out the last wee bit he needs to figure out in order to successfully grade for his yellow belt (8th kyu). I was really happy to see him doing all of his turns correctly last night when I got a chance to stand back and watch him go through Heian Shodan. This guy's two brothers have trained for over a year each and in January his father joined in as well, so we regularly have three or four people from that family training at any class we have. They all focus mentally very well and have very strong techniques and put maximum effort into learning and performing. I love those kinds of families!

We have a couple yellow and orange belts who are likely going to test for their next rank come the end of March, as well.

Last night's senior class was all about the three 5th kyu purple belts and getting them geared up for the next testing as well. We worked on Heian Godan and each of the three students got a lot of individual attention from our 5th dan instructor, and each 5th kyu also got a chance to help correct the other 5th kyus, as yet another way to demonstrate their level of understanding of what they were working on as a group. It worked well, everyone demonstrated solid understanding even if they couldn't get their bodies to obey the mental knowledge. (welcome to purple belt, that's normal)

My Own Training

My training these days is mainly about keeping at it and trying to be relaxed as much as possible while doing it. I got my 1st dan/Shodan in April of 2005 and am planning to gear up for a December 2007 or February 2008 testing for 2nd dan/Nidan. In the mean time I keep training, keep officiating, keep instructing when the senior black belts can't be around. And of course, I'll compete in the upcoming Provincials and Nationals competitions cuz they're fun, too!

How's your training coming along?

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