Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sensei is back, changes implemented

Ahhh, nice to have (assistant) Sensei back. We had our first class with him back on Saturday, and then another class last night.

Bill and I talked to Sensei before class started on Saturday and let him know what changes we had begun to implement with the white belts while he was away, and Sensei seemed very receptive to it - of course, since we're basically saying we're willing to step up to the plate and help deal with the junior members of our club so the intermediate members can get more of the attention they need.

So, from now forward, the white belts all get shuffled off to the side for warmup and for the main meat of the training class, and either Bill or myself does the warmup with them, but standing right in front of their group, making sure each one is participating.

The change in the "less disciplined" kids when we do this is remarkable - of course, when they're not being stood over, they're more likely to not pay attention and to distract others, but when we're right there staring them in the eye, there's a lot more participation.

I'm also finding that while I'm working with them, I'm getting more of a chance to see what the kids are capable of, I'm getting more chance to encourage them when they're doing something well, and I'm assuming that the intermediate kyu ranks are getting a much better lesson on their side of the gym as well because the white belts aren't restricting what the class is able to do.

Last night I worked with Jerome, a 7 year old who is in his second season of training with us, and who is a white belt with two yellow stripes. His next testing is for full yellow, but I've personally been very skeptical about the message that would be sent to other white belts if he were passed to yellow, because he inadvertently teaches new students it's okay to misbehave and not listen by his own behavior. However, working with him over a few classes I'm starting to see where he is doing well instead of just where he's causing troubles, and I'm much more supportive of him getting a yellow belt now, as long as we also sit him down and tell him about the influence he has on other kids and what a yellow belt is expected to behave like. He's a smart kid and will do well in karate once he gets a bit more advanced, but for now his focus is a bit troublesome.

There's another kid who is about 8 or 9 and who has ADD - Cody. He's also white belt with two yellow stripes and his next test is also for full yellow. And from what I'm hearing from Sensei, he's very likely to get his yellow belt in December, which is kind of fine, but he's another kid who needs to be constantly prodded to pay attention (yah I know, that's what ADD is) and to control his body and stay still so he's not distracting others. Advancing him to his next kyu rank and thus taking him out of the pod of white belts will be interesting as well.

I hope both Jerome and Cody wear the yellow belt and start to feel a bit more pride about it and start to attempt to behave more like the senior belts and less like uncontrolled white belts.

Time will only tell!

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